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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to my tiny corner of Cyberspace.

Hello, and thank you for reading the first post of what I hope will be an interesting blog.

In late December, my employment situation changed (it was a contract position, I wasn't fired) and I found myself with a bit more time... OK, a lot more time on my hands.

Since then, I have started to explore (exploit?) the world of online photo-sharing and freelance online writing.

What I have discovered so far is there is a massive sea of talent waiting to be discovered online, and it's mostly a game of how to get noticed among the thousands of writers and photographers who are all trying to seduce you with their words and images.

I have realized I dislike trying to promote myself. Really dislike it. But I'm the best... really. Just ask me. Or my girlfriend. Or my mom.

Shy of dressing up as a chicken or streaking across your screen naked, I elected to create a blog to catch your attention. If you're still reading this, then I'm not doing so badly.

So. Here's the deal. I will shamelessly post links to my own writing/photography, as well as pointing you to interesting (IMHO) photos and articles of others I come across while browsing the net. That should keep me fairly busy between coffees. And Netflix movies.

Feel free to comment on anything you see in my blog, good or bad. I am also open to story ideas, so if there's a subject you'd like me to write about, pass it along!

Until next time (probably later today when I'm bored and back in front of the computer) happy surfing!


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